Internet Drummer!

Internet Drummer!

This program allows you to preview e-mails on multiple POP3 servers and delete unwanted messages
Latest version 2.1
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Internet Drummer! 2.0 review

Editor rating
5 / 5
File size
2511 KB
Review date
25 July 2002
If you have at least one email account that is older than a year and was occasionally submitted in various web conferences and websites, you may have noticed that the amount of spam you get at that address is quite a burden. And it doesn't get any better over the years - only worse. What to do? Download megabytes of junk mail every week or use a filter program that will kill the spam messages directly on the server for you? Our choice is the latter - with Internet Drummer!
Internet Drummer! is an email notifier and spam filtering tool that checks your email before it gets to your email client and lets you preview messages, delete unwanted ones and set up new filters for spam. But it's not just a spam killer machine. The email checker and notifier feature is much more advanced in this tool comparing to others: it lets you define rules for friendly emails and get notified of them immediately. So if you're waiting an important letter from your boss or prospective employer, you won't have to check your mail yourself frantically over and over again - when the message arrives, you'll be the first to know with Internet Drummer!
Yet that is not all. There's a feature that lets you monitor web pages and notify you of updates - so you won't have to spend time checking them out yourself, thus saving time and money on ISP fees. Try this great tool today and see that for yourself.